Thursday, November 29, 2012


  Its now day 4 I am getting used to it have more friends still tired everyday and really unhappy with my life.We are sort of slaves who normally couldn't be sold away from the land. Putting it another way, we were tenant farmers who, in addition to paying a percentage of our crops as rent, we owed a number of other obligations to our landlord. Among these are our duty to work on the landlord's private lands so many days a month and pay fees for things like getting permission to marry or for one's children to marry. Most important of all, We could not leave the lord's land without permission, making us one step up from a slave. While we had access to the courts, we could only seek justice in the manoral court (run by the landlord) not the king's court (which we tenant farmers could use to sue the landlord in contract disputes). 

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